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Redirects and Path Rewrites

Stormkit is able to handle the path rewrites and redirects on the load balancer level. In order to make use of this feature, create a `redirects.json` file at root level of your repository. This file will be parsed on each deployment, hence if you change this file previous deployments won't be affected. The syntax is as follows:
    "from": "string", // (required): The path. Supports regexp syntax.
    "to": "string", // (required): The destination path.
    "status": "number", // (optional): The HTTP Status Code for redirect. Default is empty.
    "assets": "boolean", // (optional): Whether to apply the redirect/rewrite to any static file that is not an html file. Default is false.
    "hosts": "Array<string>" // (optional): When provided, the redirect rule will apply only when the host name matches.

Path rewrites

If you omit the status property, or provide a status different than 3xx, Stormkit will not redirect the request but will simply rewrite the path.

    "from": "/my-path/*",
    "to": "/my-new-path/$1"

In this case, all requests coming to /my-path will be served as if they were coming to /my-new-path.


You can also use redirects as a proxy. If your redirect is an absolute URL (starting with http), the request will be proxied.

    "from": "/my-path/*",
    "to": "$1",
    "status": 200

In this case, all requests coming to /my-path will be proxied to*.

Redirect non-www to www

    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "assets": true,
    "status": 301

SPA config

    "from": "/*",
    "to": "/index.html"

The above example will rewrite all requests to index.html. By setting assets false This is useful for single page applications.


    "from": "/documentation/*/page/*",
    "to": "/docs/$1/$2"
    "from": "/documentation$",
    "to": "/docs"

You can use regexp syntax for redirects. The example above creates two redirects.

  1. The first one will redirect /documentation/welcome/page/getting-started to /docs/welcome/getting-started.
  2. The second will redirect /documentation to /docs.

Note the $amp; sign at the end of the string. That sign simply tells to redirect only the path /documentation and not anything that contains /documentation.

Matching host names

    "from": "/path",
    "to": "/new-path",
    "hosts": [""]
    "from": "/path",
    "to": "/different-path",
    "hosts": ["", ""]

If you have multiple domains configured for your environment, you can specify for which host name the redirect rule should apply to.

The example above will rewrite the /path to /new-path for and to /different-path for and

Redirecting API Routes

Please note that if your application contains API routes, paths starting with /api will not be matched. This is to allow /api routes to handle the redirect themselves. If you do not have any API function, this rule does not apply.

You can configure the API routes through the Serverless configuration section.

Custom 404 pages

By Default, when a page is not found, Stormkit will try to serve /404.html or /error.html if any of these files are found in your deployment. You can customize this behaviour as follows:

  1. Go to Environment Config > Redirects
  2. Find the Custom Error File field
  3. Type the file that should be served instead (e.g. /index.html).

This setting will be applied to all of your deployments and take effect instantly. There is no need for a deployment.

Note If you have API routes configured, the custom error file will not be applied to the paths starting with your API Path - which is /api by default.

Note Similarly, if you have serverless side logic, the custom error file will not be applied.

Environment level redirects

You can specify the same rules at an environment level. To do so:

  1. Go to Environment Config > Redirects
  2. Switch Overwrite redirects
  3. Specify the rules from the Redirects Editor and
  4. Click save.

These rules will be applied to all of your deployments and take effect instantly. There is no need for a deployment.

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