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Apr 05, 2024

How do deploy Docusaurus project to Stormkit

Quick guide to show how to deploy Docusaurus project to Stormkit

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Apr 04, 2024

How do deploy Gatsby project to Stormkit

Quick guide to show how to deploy Gatsby project to Stormkit

Apr 04, 2024

How do deploy VitePress project to Stormkit

Quick guide to show how to deploy VitePress project to Stormkit

Jan 24, 2024

A Guide to Understanding and Choosing the Right Analytic Tools for Your Website

This post explores the diverse landscape of web analytics tools, delving into alternatives like GoatCounter, Plausible, Umami, PostHog and Stormkit. Highlighting their unique features and emphasizing the growing importance of self hosted solutions.

Jan 21, 2024

PostgreSQL with Golang Crafting Insert Queries with Text/Templates

Stormkit's approach of eschewing ORM and query builders in favor of raw SQL queries using text/templates.

Dec 16, 2023

Local search with react and minisearch

This blog post walks you through our implementation for local search using minisearch and creating react component as search box.

Nov 09, 2023

Building Dynamic Web Applications with SSR, Htmx and Handlebars.js

Learn how to create interactive web applications using Server-Side Rendering (SSR), htmx for seamless AJAX interactions, and Handlebars.js for dynamic templating.

Nov 02, 2023

Unlocking dynamic web interactions with htmx

Unlock the potential of htmx, a lightweight JavaScript library for dynamic web interactions. Simplify AJAX requests, page updates, and DOM manipulation with ease. See how htmx integrates seamlessly with server-side rendering.

Oct 08, 2023

Combining Vite.js with Stormkit for React Static Sites Guide

Learn how to leverage the lightning-fast Vite.js build system and Stormkit's seamless deployment platform for React static sites. Follow our quick start guide and explore migration options from Webpack. Plus, discover an all-in-one template project for server-side rendering, static page generation, and API development using React and Vite.js.

Sep 26, 2023

How AI helps us catching phishing websites

This post explores how Stormkit combats phishing on their hosting platform. They initially used a javascript program for detection, but faced false positives and evasion tactics. By integrating AI through Teachable Machine and TensorFlow.js, they markedly improved accuracy.

Aug 17, 2023


Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is designed to provide you with quick and helpful information about Stormkit.

Jun 04, 2023

Writing a Headless CMS from scratch
Part 1 - Planning

Welcome to the exciting journey of building a headless CMS from scratch! In this blog post series, we will embark on a step-by-step adventure, exploring the process of creating a powerful content management system tailored to our unique needs.

May 21, 2023

Why we are dropping support for Next.js

In our continuous pursuit of delivering the best developer experience, we've made a bold decision. We're dropping serverless support for Next.js.

Jan 24, 2023

Monitoring system using Stormkit and Supabase

Learn how to monitor your website's URL status using Stormkit and Supabase. Easy to set up and cost-efficient, this powerful tool can send notifications to Discord, track historical data, and more. Check out the source code now!

Nov 01, 2022

Factory pattern for Go tests

This article will show you how we improved our Go unit tests worklow using a factory pattern.

Sep 23, 2022

How to create and deploy documentation page using nuxt.js and Stormkit under 5 minutes

Learn how to create a website in under 5 minutes with this step-by-step guide.

Aug 29, 2022

Migrating your app from Webpack to Vite

Learn how to migrate your app from Webpack to Vite with this quick guide. Discover the configuration options used in Vite and the rationale behind the migration.

Apr 10, 2022

Deploy your app on AWS S3

Learn how to deploy your static applications on your own AWS account using Stormkit.

Apr 09, 2022

Tracking user data using Stormkit and Plausible

Learn how to track user data using Stormkit and Plausible without deploying your application. Inject snippets instantly with this powerful functionality.

Apr 01, 2022

How to deploy to BunnyCDN

Learn how to deploy your static applications on your own Bunny CDN account using Stormkit.

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