Jan 21, 2024
In this blog post, we will show how we are creating insert queries for PostgreSQL using Golang's text/template package. By sidestepping the abstractions of ORM and query builders, we'll explore how this approach provides greater flexibility, control and a deeper understanding of the underlying database interactions.
ORM solutions, such as Gorm abstract away the complexities of SQL queries, enabling developers to interact with databases using familiar programming constructs like structs and methods. Here is a small example
type User struct {
ID uint
Name string
Age uint
// parts of the code is omitted to make it short
func main() {
dsn := "user=gorm dbname=gorm"
db, _ := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
// select * from users
var users []User
// print users in loop
On the other hand, query builders exemplified by libraries like sqlx or squirrel, offer a middle ground. They provide a programmatic interface to construct SQL queries dynamically, allowing developers to build queries in a more structured way compared to raw SQL strings.
//you need to annotate your struct
type User struct {
ID uint `db:"id"`
Name string `db:"name"`
Age uint `db:"age"`
func main() {
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "user=squirrel dbname=squirrel sslmode=disable")
// create a new user
newUser := User{Name: "Bob Smith", Age: 28}
insertBuilder := squirrel.
Columns("name", "age").
Values(newUser.Name, newUser.Age).
Suffix("RETURNING id")
var userID uint
_ = insertBuilder.RunWith(db).QueryRow().Scan(&userID)
// select all users
selectBuilder := squirrel.Select("*").From("users")
rows, _ := selectBuilder.RunWith(db).Query()
defer rows.Close()
var users []User
for rows.Next() {
var user User
rows.Scan(&user.ID, &user.Name, &user.Age)
users = append(users, user)
// print users in loop
They both have advantages and disadvantages, in Stormkit we use neither of ORM or query builder. We write our own SQL queries and use Go’s text templates to create SQL queries. There are few reasons why we went to this route.
Here is a simplified example for how we do our insert queries,
//helper function to use in templates
//basically generates string like VALUES ($1,$2....)
func generateValues(numberOfFields, rows int) string {
var builder strings.Builder
builder.WriteString("VALUES ")
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
for field := 0; field < numberOfFields; field++ {
if field > 0 {
builder.WriteString(", ")
index := row*numberOfFields + field + 1
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("$%d", index))
if row < rows-1 {
} else {
return builder.String()
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Email string
//omitted error checks
func main() {
connStr := "user=your_username dbname=your_database_name password=your_password host=your_host port=your_port sslmode=disable"
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
defer db.Close()
dataToInsert := []Person{
{"John Doe", 30, "john.doe@example.com"},
{"Jane Smith", 25, "jane.smith@example.com"},
queryTemplate := `
INSERT INTO persons (name, age, email)
{{generateValues 3 (len .) }}
tmpl, _ := template.New("query").Funcs(template.FuncMap{"generateValues": generateValues}).Parse(queryTemplate)
var queryBuilder strings.Builder
tmpl.Execute(&queryBuilder, dataToInsert)
sqlQuery := queryBuilder.String()
stmt, _ := db.Prepare(sqlQuery)
defer stmt.Close()
var values []any
for _, row := range dataToInsert {
values = append(values, row.Name, row.Age, row.Email)
// execute query
We had to introduce helper function to use in the template but if you are working with MySQL you won’t even need that since place holders are not numbered.
This approach allows us to create insert queries efficiently, leveraging the simplicity of Golang's text/template package. The use of placeholders ensures protection against SQL injection and by introducing helper functions the code remains concise.
You can easily extend this by adding complex conditions to your insert query or by creating a function that takes an annotated struct and generates the insert query.