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Building Dynamic Web Applications with SSR, Htmx and Handlebars.js

Nov 09, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving web development landscape, it has become easier than ever to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

One powerful combination of technologies that enables this process includes Server-Side Rendering (SSR), htmx for seamless AJAX interactions, and Handlebars.js for dynamic templating. Additionally, we will leverage Vite.js, a lightning-fast build tool.

This tutorial will walk you through the process of building a simple web application that features infinite scrolling using these technologies. Additionally, we'll deploy the application on

Configuring Vite.js for Stormkit

To get started, we'll configure Vite.js to generate output compatible with Stormkit. This involves setting up a development server for local development and generating a .stormkit folder during the build process. This folder can contain three subfolders:

  • public for static assets and pages
  • api for defining API endpoints (which won't be covered in this post)
  • server for server-side rendering, also implemented as a lambda function

In our example, we only want views that are generated with handlebars.js so we don’t need to configure anything for public and we will go through api in another post.

For simplicity, we will focus on the important sections of the configuration. Most of the configuration is adapted from the Vite.js SSR guide. You can find the complete configuration here.

build: {
    ssr: true,
    ssrManifest: true,
    minify: false,
    rollupOptions: {
      preserveEntrySignatures: "strict",
      input: { server: "src/entry-server.ts" },
      output: {
        dir: ".stormkit/server",
        format: "esm",
        entryFileNames: "[name].mjs",
        preserveModules: true,
        preserveModulesRoot: "src",
        exports: "named",
plugins: [
      targets: [
        // copy html files to be used as template
          src: 'src/ssr/handlers/views/**', // Adjust the source pattern according to your project structure
          dest: "../.stormkit/server/ssr/handlers/views/",
          src: "public/**",
          dest: "../.stormkit/public",

This configuration instructs Vite.js to output files to .stormkit/server, with the entry file specified in src/entry-server.ts. Static assets are also copied to the appropriate directories so that we can use them in our dynamically generated view.

Implementing Server-Side Rendering Logic

The next step is to create the entry-server.js file. This file serves as the entry point for routing different paths to their respective views:

import serverless from '@stormkit/serverless'
import { Response, Render } from './ssr/render'

export type RenderFunction = (url: string) => Promise<Response>

export const render: RenderFunction = async (url) => {
  return Render(url)

// This handler add support for Stormkit environment. This is
// the entry point of the serverless application.
export const handler = serverless(async (req: any, res: any) => {
  // We are in assets folder
  // const dir = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
  // const html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, "./index.html"), "utf-8");

  const { content, head } = await Render(req.url?.split(/\?#/)[0] || '/')

    head.statusCode || 200,
    head.statusMessage || 'OK',
    Object.assign({}, head.headers, {
      'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',

We export two functions, render and handler . render will be used by dev server while handler is a wrapper provided by to make the code compatible with AWS Lambda. Stormkit will use that during build to upload your function.

In the Render function, we use path-to-regexp to match the URL path to functions that will render views. This library is used in Express.js. The function also includes middleware support and handles query parameters.

Below you can see contents of the Render function

import { pathToRegexp } from 'path-to-regexp'
import { testHandler } from './handlers/test-handler'
import { indexHandler } from './handlers/index-handler'

// Add more routes as needed
const routes = [
  { path: '/foo/:name', handler: testHandler },
  { path: '/', handler: indexHandler },

function middleware1(_params) {
  // write your middleware

const middlewares = [middleware1]

export interface Response {
  head: Head;
  content: string;

interface Head {
  statusCode: number;
  statusMessage?: string;
  headers?: Record<string, string | string[]>;

export const Render = (url: string): Response => {
  const params = {}
  // extract query parameters place them
  // inside params
  if (url.includes('?')) {
    params['query'] = {}
    let [tempUrl, urlParams] = url.split('?')
    url = tempUrl
    let paramPair = new URLSearchParams(urlParams)
    paramPair.forEach((v, k) => {
      params['query'][k] = v

  // if not path is matched return 404, default view
  let res = {
    head: { statusCode: 404 },
    content: `
       <!DOCTYPE html>
       <html lang="en">
           <meta charset="UTF-8">
           <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
           <title>404 - Page Not Found</title>
           <div class="container">
               <h1>404 - Page Not Found</h1>
               <p>The page you are looking for does not exist.</p>
               <p><a href="/">Go back to the homepage</a></p>
  for (const route of routes) {
    const keys = []
    const pattern = pathToRegexp(route.path, keys)
    const match = pattern.exec(url)
    if (match) {
      keys.forEach((key, index) => {
        params[] = match[index + 1]

      // go through middleware if you want to run functions
      // for every view
      middlewares.forEach((middleware) => middleware(params))
      res = route.handler(params)

  return res

export default Render

We have added comments to explain the code, but essentially what we are doing is invoking a function to render an HTML using handlerbars.js for a given URL. You have the option to use any other templating engine or simply return a string that will be treated as HTML.

Now, let's dive into creating a basic view using Handlebars.js:

import { Response } from '../render'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import Handlebars from 'handlebars'

export function indexHandler(_): Response {
  const currentFile = import.meta.url
  const fileUrl = path.join(path.dirname(currentFile), 'views', 'index.html')
  // convert to path
  const contents = fs.readFileSync(fileUrl.replace('file:', ''), 'utf8')
  const template = Handlebars.compile(contents)
  const body = template({})

  return {
    head: { statusCode: 200 },
    content: body,

This is function will be invoked when we visit / . It reads index.html and renders with Handlebars. For this view we don't necessarily need handlerbars.js since we are not passing any data.

You can see the dev server configuration here. It's mostly copy/paste from the vitejs guide. Basically, we are passing everything to the render function we exported.

Implementing Infinite Scrolling with htmx

Now that we have everything setup for SSR lets to a infinite scrolling using htmx. Idea is to have a table that presents data and when we view last row of the table we need to request next page. For sake of simplicity we implemented a function that generates random array of strings so our view will get page= parameter and it will fill the table, htmx will fetch data and append to our table.

Lets go through our view first generated in server side.

import path from 'path'
import { Response } from '../render'
import fs from 'fs'
import Handlebars from 'handlebars'

export function testHandler(params): Response {
  const currentFile = import.meta.url
  const page = params['query']['page'] * 1 || 1
  const words = generateRandomStrings(10)
  // return only partial html
  let contents = ''
  // for upcoming pages return html with data
  // htmx will append it to table
  if (page > 1) {
    contents = `
      {{#each words}}
        {{#if @last}}
        <tr hx-get="/foo/contacts/?page={{../nextPage}}" hx-trigger="revealed" hx-swap="afterend">
          <td> *** {{this}} *** {{../nextPage}}  </td>
          <tr> <td> {{this}}  </td> </tr>
  } else {
    const fileUrl = path.join(path.dirname(currentFile), 'views', 'test.html')
    contents = fs.readFileSync(fileUrl.replace('file:', ''), 'utf8')

  const template = Handlebars.compile(contents)
  const body = template({ words: words, nextPage: page + 1 })

  return {
    head: { statusCode: 200 },
    content: body,

function generateRandomStrings(numStrings) {
  // check repo for details if you like

We will read test.html and populate with our first set of data.

  <script src=""></script>
    <h1>Name Table</h1>
    <table border="1">
      {{#each words}} {{#if @last}}
        <td>*** {{this}} *** {{../nextPage}}</td>
      {{/if}} {{/each}}

When we create our last row of the table, we sprinkle some htmx. Htmx will make request for next page and append returning html to table. With very little code we added interactivity to our server side rendered page.

This approach enables us to create a highly interactive web application with minimal code, thanks to the power of SSR, htmx, and Handlebars.js.

You can find an example project here. Deployment links are in

Deploying this application to Stormkit from this point on is a breeze. Simply import your application and click the "Deploy Now" button.

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\n \n

Name Table

\n \n \n \n \n {{#each words}} {{#if @last}}\n \n \n \n {{else}}\n \n \n \n {{/if}} {{/each}}\n
*** {{this}} *** {{../nextPage}}
\n \n\n```\n\nWhen we create our last row of the table, we sprinkle some htmx. Htmx will make request for next page and append returning html to table. With very little code we added interactivity to our server side rendered page.\n\nThis approach enables us to create a highly interactive web application with minimal code, thanks to the power of SSR, htmx, and Handlebars.js.\n\nYou can find an example project [here]( Deployment links are in [](\n\nDeploying this application to Stormkit from this point on is a breeze. Simply import your application and click the \"Deploy Now\" button.\n","navigation":[{"path":"critical-middleware-bypass-vulnerability-in-nextjs-cve-2025-29927","title":"Critical Middleware Bypass Vulnerability in Next.js (CVE-2025-29927)","description":"A critical security flaw in Next.js allows attackers to bypass middleware checks by exploiting the x-middleware-subrequest header, potentially leading to unauthorized access and data breaches.","search":false,"date":"2025-03-24","active":false},{"path":"case-study-elham","title":"Case Study: Elham - a Leading Learning Platform","description":"Discover how Elham, a leading learning platform, reduced deployment times from 24+ hours to 7 minutes, cut hosting costs, and scaled to handle millions of visitors per month with Stormkit’s self-hosted, compliant, and customizable frontend hosting solution.","search":false,"date":"2024-09-03","active":false},{"path":"how-to-deploy-docusarous","title":"How do deploy Docusaurus project to Stormkit","description":"Quick guide to show how to deploy Docusaurus project to Stormkit","search":false,"date":"2024-04-05","active":false},{"path":"how-to-deploy-gatsby","title":"How do deploy Gatsby project to Stormkit","description":"Quick guide to show how to deploy Gatsby project to Stormkit","search":false,"date":"2024-04-04","active":false},{"path":"how-to-deploy-vitepress","title":"How do deploy VitePress project to Stormkit","description":"Quick guide to show how to deploy VitePress project to Stormkit","search":false,"date":"2024-04-04","active":false},{"path":"guide-to-understanding-choosing-right-analytic-tools-for-your-website","title":"A Guide to Understanding and Choosing the Right Analytic Tools for Your Website","description":"This post explores the diverse landscape of web analytics tools, delving into alternatives like GoatCounter, Plausible, Umami, PostHog and Stormkit. 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